Getting to Know the Church Council

The new Council has only been in place since the end of January, but we couldn't be more excited about the newly defined Council roles, and the hard work the Council members have been  putting in to make ULu a welcoming place to worship, hear God's Word, and make new friends. Rachel Tonne, the Welcome Board Chair, shares her thoughts about the Council:

Thanks for your interest in the Ulu Council! Our council is largely made up of student members to account for the opinions of our students in the congregation. As the council, we are involved with virtually every area of church planning and administration. We  plan social events, provide opportunities for congregation members to get involved in the worship service, manage the maintenance of the facilities, and help with the finances of the church. If you are interested in getting more involved in the church or have a suggestion for a social event, feel free to talk to one of us. Our hope is that we can not only reach out to students who want to know Christ but also grow in fellowship together as Christians. If you want to know more about our upcoming events and services, check out the “Calendar” tab or sign up to receive our newsletter via email.

by Rachel Tonne, ULu Council, Welcome Board

Please pray for our Council as they serve the church in these roles, and if you have a suggestion or comment, please feel free to contact Pastor Herman at

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A Mountaintop Experience in North Carolina

Sara Wendte, a graduate student at Purdue and one of our office assistants, traveled to North Carolina last week with Pastor Herman and twelve others to serve at Mountain Top Christian Camp in Waynesville. Here is what she had to say about the trip:

I’m so happy I decided to spend my Spring Break on the ULu mission trip to Mountain Top Experience Camp in North Carolina. The camp staff was very friendly and grateful for our help. Many of the cabins had gutters that needed cleaning and windows that needed washing. On the trails, we found several trees that had fallen across the path that needed to be cut with a chainsaw. Pastor Herman and some of the guys had fun with that part! On Friday, we got to enjoy a day of fun in Gatlinburg, TN. Last year, 8 people went on the Spring Break trip but this year we had 14, which was great!

The best part of the trip for me was the evening Bible study each night led by Pastor Herman. Our studies were focused on how different people in the Bible experienced the presence of God on a mountain and heard His voice.  We had a similar mountaintop experience this week as we escaped from the stress of classes and enjoyed a week of Christian fellowship in His beautiful creation. On the last night, we talked about how Jesus’s experience on Mount Calvary purchased our freedom from sin and death. His mountaintop experience stays with us and impacts our lives even as we come back down from the mountain and back to our everyday routines.

For more pictures from the trip, visit our Facebook page at